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33 Minutes to Feeling Better with Reiki

33 Minutes to Feeling Better with Reiki

Regular price $0.00 USD
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I love inviting you to the ultimate relaxation experience with a Reiki session to help support the best way I know how <3 This ancient Japanese technique uses the power of "universal life force" energy harnessed through Reiki Master's hands' guiding and balancing the body’s energy. In person, I will use gentle, non-invasive hand movements, and over zoom I use a distance symbol to help release any blockages in the energy flow which promotes deep relaxation and a sense of inner peace. 

A key recommendation before our session together is to try to eat light before & after a session. For those in a Zoom session, please be in a space with privacy, headphones & drinking water. For in-person sessions, please dress comfortably.

Thank you for trusting me with supporting you! I am looking for seeing you soon!

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